In the time that has passed, she sometimes forgets to rest, impatient to get as far along the quest as she can. Weary and dispirited, she felt so alone. Often times, her body would just give up on her and she could only hobbled on. It is like providence that at such dark moments, she would chance upon a fellow traveller or wise creatures of the forest, who would offer her kindness, nourishment and hope.
Whenever, she was a little lost , she hears a little voice of angel from far away, telling her she’s going the right way. The angel would whisper, go strong and listen to your own footsteps, it will be your guide. Then before long, the little hobbit met the ‘Sage of The Crossroads’, of which she has heard would offer words of wisdom that would be of great help in her quest. He always stood at the crossroads, guiding those who past his way. Sometimes unsmiling, but often kind. Legend has it, he has travelled ‘The Trails of the Miles’ many times and knows of all the dangers. His word is not to be taken lightly.
So the little hobbit journeyed on and next she met Bach o’r Mor, the one from the sea. Bach o’r Mor used to travel the seas until he too, embarked on the same quest. Bach o’r Mor would run along the hobbit offering assurance over parts of the journey where the forest gets a little scary. Together with Bach o’r Mor, little hobbit was also reassured with the company of The Shepherd. The Shepherd always made sure no one gets lost in the forest.
There are also two kindly creatures who appear along her journey from time to time. Zapo ‘The Keeper of The Times’. Zapo will always be there to help the hobbit keep track of how far she’s travelled and how well she’s doing. Together with Zapo, there’s Griff The Rock. Griff would always be there to remove the riff-raff who are a hindrance to those who chose to embark on the quest. He is the guardian of the peace of the quest.
For those who feel, a need to know what to forage in the forest for sustenance in this long quest, it is believed, you just need to leave a message on a tree tied with a red ribbon and Duorp y Fwta will find you and help you along the way. A slight little figure, unassuming with flaming red hair, Duorp y Fwta will show you the nature’s way to nourish your body.
Though, the journey so far has been challenging at times, the little hobbit shoulders on. She has met other travellers along the way. Some of whom, she has shared and exchanged some stories, some of whom, she’s not quite managed to catch up to learn from them as yet but at least now, she feels she isn’t quite so alone.
She knows that as at the start and as at the end, the Prince of the Elfins, Philyras will be there to greet all who complete the quest. Philyras is rumoured to wait patiently through all seasons for all who are on this quest. In his quiet, cool gaze, he waits and he watches. It will some time yet, before little hobbit finds her way to the end to see Philyras waiting there.
So as winter draws near, the little hobbit pulls her coat around her and journeys on. The ground is soft underfoot, the forest seems darker and often more foreboding but the quest is far from over yet. Not far from her mind are all those she has met along the way, who kept her spirits up, offered support and help whenever doubts reared its ugly head. A thought to hold on to, when there’s so much more different terrain to cover.
The hobbit thinks to herself, there were others who came before her, and there will be others to come in her footstep on this ‘Trails of the Miles’. So as she sets out to brave that little hill ahead, the little hobbit offers up silent thanks to all those who watched over her so far and may they guide others to come.
And so the story continues….